Brain Boxes and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at the University of Liverpool yesterday announced a major new sponsorship partnership.
The scheme, which will initially last for 5 years, sees Brain Boxes sponsoring six undergraduates each year. Some of these students will be offered vacation training and work experience, and they will be encouraged to take up final year projects in collaboration with the company.
The EE&E Department at the University are also allocating one member of staff to form a close liaison with Brain Boxes, with a view to developing final year/M.Sc projects, and joint research initiatives.
In announcing the sponsorship programme, Brain Boxes’ Managing Director Eamonn Walsh said the scheme was “aimed at raising the profile of Brain Boxes amongst University staff and students. The idea is to cultivate students’ interest in Brain Boxes and our core activities, and to develop loyalty through the scholarship programme and vacation training.”
The scheme ultimately aims to actively promote electronic engineering at schools and among prospective university applicants. This will hopefully lead to increasing the number, and raising the standards, of applicants to electronic engineering courses offered by the University of Liverpool.