Where can I find the 3D/CAD/STEP data for the US product range?


The following FAQ contains 3D models for the US range of products in a STEP format.

For any additional enquiries, please contact: [email protected]

Please click on the part number to download the required 3D model .zip file:

Product Download
US-101 3D-CAD-Step Data for US-101.zip (1,253.5 kB)
US-159 3D-CAD-Step Data for US-159.zip (602.0 kB)
US-235 3D-CAD-Step Data for US-235.zip (602.0 kB)
US-257 3D-CAD-Step Data for US-257.zip (550.0 kB)
US-313 3D-CAD-Step Data for US-313.zip (548.7 kB)
US-320 3D-CAD-Step Data for US-320.zip (602.0 kB)
US-324 3D-CAD-Step Data for US-324.zip (1,254.8 kB)

Here is an example of what the 3D data will look like:

US-159 3D CAD model