Welcome to the January 2020 update for the BB-400.
The software team have been working to add new functionality and improve performance of the
BB-400. These updates can be applied to any BB-400 by simply going to the software update page of the device and clicking the ‘update all’ button.
This month the following updates have been released for the BB-400:
- Counts have been implemented in the Digital IO firmware
- There has been a bug fix to the Arduino firmware, there is now no count change difference between 16 Bit counter mode and 32 Bit counter mode
- There has been a support update to BB-IO-Server
- The radio script has updated validation.
- Now a valid AP IP address must be a private A, B or C network
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network. - The final number of the IP address must not be between 100-200 as this is reserved by the DHCP server.
- The subnet value is fixed at /24.
- If the eth0 is plugged in, then the IP address should not be in the same subnet as the eth0 subnet and if the eth1 is plugged in, then the IP address should not be in the same subnet as the eth1 subnet.
- The base MAC address cannot be changed
- The access point SSID must be 32 octets or less
- Now a valid AP IP address must be a private A, B or C network
- Help-Page
- Reset section has been updated to show CLI log file
- The device settings and config section formatting have been improved.
- The yaml file can now be copied to Clipboard. This makes it easier to paste into an email for support purposes.
- Reset section has been updated to show CLI log file
- Serial-Page:
- Terminal block and jumper configuration images of RS232/RS422/RS485 have been added:
Clicking on the image will take the user to the How do I configure the BB-400’s Serial Port Jumpers? FAQ
- Validation of the serial settings has been added, for example when selecting RS485, the user is unable to select a flow control option:
- Terminal block and jumper configuration images of RS232/RS422/RS485 have been added:
- Wi-Fi-Page:
- The radio toggle buttons have been changed to radio buttons
- Added validation of Access Point SSID/IP Address
- In the Wi-Fi client section, the add connection manually modal now has a “show password” option:
- The radio toggle buttons have been changed to radio buttons
- IO-Page:
- Counts have been added to the UI
- There is validation on the label names to only include alphanumerics, underscore or hyphen characters, as well as have a maximum length of 20:
- Counts have been added to the UI
- Validation of the radio settings has been added, these are the same as the validation updated in config.network.radio in BB-CLI.
- The GET and POST coexist_mode endpoints have been removed as they were not necessary.
- Logging (debug, error, info, and warning) messages have been updated to make debugging easier.
- Counts have been added, as shown in the BB-Cockpit section above.
- Several tests have been added to improve the performance of the device spec.
- The polling interval has been removed from BB-CLI. The BB-IO-Server no longer polls every x seconds, instead, it receives push notifications from the Arduino.
- All .hex files are now removed after the PMU has finished being programmed
- The script also now checks whether the PMU is already programmed
- Documentation has been added to show how to build the firmware
- The default config.cfg file has been updated so that coexist mode is 3 when AP is enabled