Monitor and Control Heating Systems Remotely

Data From Sensors Through the Cloud to Anywhere



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The range of equipment made by Thermal Integration is the end result of over 20 years of research & development in heating technology.

Expansion plans meant bidding against established competition to install in council owned apartment blocks across London; the new growth plans bringing with them a new set of challenges:

  1. Design a new reliable control system at a disruptive price point.
  2. Collect the right BIG DATA to monitor & control the heating systems.
  3. Ensure the heating is available to residents 24/7.


Winning a major contract with the council of a London borough provided Thermal Integration with the opportunity to install a new efficient heating system into the plantroom of a large residential building. A successful installation in this one plantroom would save the local authority thousands of pounds, and could potentially lead to many more money-saving & efficient system replacements across London.

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Inside the Old Panel at the London Borough Residential Building



“We’re riding the wave of applying IoT technology and it doesn’t have to be expensive.”

Richard Hanson-Graville, Technical Manager Thermal Integration


Thermal Integration fitted sensors to boilers, pumps, pressurisation sets, and gas safety valves using Raspberry Pi & Node-RED to program the system. Everything connects via Brainboxes Remote Ethernet I/O Modules (ED-560ED-549ED-527 & ED-516) and Industrial Ethernet Switches (SW-508).

Find out how to use Node-RED on Brainboxes BB-400


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“Engineer call-outs cost hundreds of pounds,so you can imagine how this system saves a lot of time and money.”

 Richard Hanson-Graville


3 Raspberry Pi, a 3G modem, and 6 Brainboxes modules & switches, feed real-time data to Thermal Integration’s IT network so the system can be remotely observed & regulated, eliminating the need to send out a Maintenance Engineer.


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Use Node-RED on brainboxes BB-400