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IOListT Methods

The IOListT type exposes the following members.

Public methodAdd Adds an IOLine to the List
Public methodAsReadOnly Converts the IOList to a Read-only List
Public methodClear Removes all IOLines from the list
Public methodContains Determines whether the list contains a specific IOLine
Public methodCopyTo Copies the IOLine(s) starting at a particular index to the supplied array
Public methodDescribe Give a complete summary of the EDDevice
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetEnumerator Returns the IOList enumerator that iterates through the collection
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodIndexOf Determine the index of a specific IOLine
Public methodInsert Insert an IOLine at a specific index
Public methodRemove Removes the first occurrence of a specific IOLine from the list
Public methodRemoveAt Removes the IOLine at the specific index
Public methodSubscribeToDeltaEvent Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLines in the list changes over the delta value specified. If IOLines are subsequently added or removed then the events will also be applied The same event cannot be added twice (function will return and do nothing) The event can be unregistered using the UnsubscribeToDeltaEvent
Public methodSubscribeToTargetEvent Register event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLines in the list goes over the value specified and below the value specified. If IOLines are subsequently added or removed then the events will also be applied The same event cannot be added twice (function will return and do nothing) The event can be unregistered using the UnsubscribeToTargetEvents
Public methodSubscribeToTargetEventsObsolete.
Register event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLines in the list goes over the value specified and below the value specified. If IOLines are subsequently added or removed then the events will also be applied The same event cannot be added twice (function will return and do nothing) The event can be unregistered using the UnsubscribeToTargetEvents
Public methodSubscribeToTargetRangeEvent Register event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLines in the list changes more than the specified delta value away from the specified target value. If IOlines are subsequently added or removed then the events will also be applied The same event cannot be added twice (function will return and do nothing) The event can be unregistered using the UnsubscribeToTargetRangeEvents
Public methodSubscribeToTargetRangeEventsObsolete.
Register event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLines in the list changes more than the specified delta value away from the specified target value. If IOlines are subsequently added or removed then the events will also be applied The same event cannot be added twice (function will return and do nothing) The event can be unregistered using the UnsubscribeToTargetRangeEvents
Public methodToList Convert to List<T>
Public methodToString ToString
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodUnsubscribeToDeltaEvent Unsubscribe a registered delta event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetEvent Unsubscribe a registered target event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetEventsObsolete.
Unsubscribe a registered target event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetRangeEvent Unsubscribe a registered target range event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetRangeEventsObsolete.
Unsubscribe a registered target range event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
See Also